All mikroBIOMIK publications are distributed under a CreativeCommons licence (usually CC BY-SA). We are happy if the material circulates. Print versions and other formats of the guides are available on
Guide to soil microscopy
- Short guide to soil microscopy (English)
- Kurzer Leitfaden zur Bodenmikroskopie (Deutsch)
- Breve guía sobre microscopía de suelo (Español)
- Panduan singkat mikroskopi tanah (Bahasa)
Guide to chromatography
- Short guide to circular soil chromatography (English)
- Kurzer Leitfaden zur Rundfilter Boden Chromatographie (Deutsch)
- Breve guía a la cromatografía circular de suelos (Español)
- Panduan singkat kromatografi tanah mandala (Bahasa Indonesia)
Guide to Chromatography - Workshop edition
- Short guide to circular soil chromatography - Workshop edition (English)
- Kratki vodnik po krožni kromatografiji tal - Delavniška edicija (Slovenščina)
Guide to fungal bioreactors
- Short guide to fungal bioreactors (English)
- Kurzer Leitfaden zur pilzbasierten Bioreaktoren (Deutsch)
- HUMUS sapiens - Short project description (English)
- Soil-life illustration for handouts or posters
- Soil-life illustration for A4 printing (German lables)
- Booklet for the installation Humus, Humanity & Humility (English)