About the mikroBIOMIK Society
The mikroBIOMIK Society is an association for the promotion of intrinsic curiosity and participation in science - with a focus on invisible creatures.
We are an interdisciplinary team of researchers & practitioners exploring different strategies to disseminate knowledge and experience.
Dr. Julian Chollet
Molecular biologist
Explores microbial worlds and communicates his findings through texts and workshops. Promotes and engages in an open and participatory culture in the natural sciences and beyond.
Founder of mikroBIOMIK
Akvilė Paukštytė
Graphic designer
Freelance designer currently mainly working with museums, exhibitions and installations. As an avid explorer of forests, she is looking for a medium that combines these two worlds.
Loves (microscopic) algae.
Malte Larsen
Ecosystem manager
Researches experimental mushroom cultivation and develops methods to produce microbial supplements for the regeneration of degraded soils.
Alumnus of the University for Sustainable Development Eberswalde. Founder of the Biopunkz Community.
Leo Krohne
Cultivates filamentous microorganisms as well as tempeh. Works on a composting process for textiles and in his spare time he produces tinctures based on vital mushrooms.
Alumnus of the TU Berlin and member of the bioPUNK kitchen
Marina Larsen
Horticultural scientist
Enjoys researching the urban ecophysiology of plants. Works with geoinformation systems and develops web mapping solutions for scientific geodata.
Alumna of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and the Magyar Agrár- És Élettudományi Egyetem (Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Science)
Friends & Alumni
Dr. Mona Schreiber
Anthropologist and artist
Researches the cultural history of our crops in the field of domestication genomics. She is searching for innovative ways of science communication through the combination of art and natural sciences.
More about Mona at besenkunst.de
Alicia Charennat
Nature conservationist and Entrepreneur
Works towards the conservation and restauration of forest-ecosystems. Together with a group of IT specialists, she develops sensor networks for the quantification of environmental data.
Co-founder and manager of the Aja project for ecosystem monitoring at foldAI
Dr. Josephine Blersch
Nanotechnologist and actress
Researching nanotechnology in the context of regenerative medicine. Wants to build a bridge between artistic expressions and science.
Part of the Marie Curie Alumni Association and the science theater "Marionet"
Mark Klawikowski
Artist, puppeteer, musician
Is interested in the connections between art and science. As a cartoonist and illustrator of various books, he creates fascinating new worlds and thus enables creative and playful learning.
Founder of the participatory theater "Spontanello"
Anja Thomas
Beliefs that mind and matter interact closely. She is particularly interested in the relationship between intestinal flora and psyche.
Part of the university group "Uni MIND - psychedelic science"
Maya Minder
Artist and cook
Researches the importance of microbes for daily life. Her workshops are about cultivating communities and culinary delights. Fermenting and the focus on the own microbiome play a key role in this process.
Founder of ‘Gasthaus: Fermentation and Bacteria’
Design and Media
- Moritz Chollet Concept, Design & Realization
- Fabian Pranter Videography & Logo
- Mark Klawikowski Illustration
- Gregor Quade Animation
- Akvilė Paukštytė Graphics
Cooperation partners
- Hackteria-network
- Biodesign for the real world
- Mikrobiologische Vereinigung München
- Art Science Bangalore
- Besenkunst - Art meets Science
- BUND Naturschutz- und Jugendzentrum Wartaweil
- Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
- George Eliava Institutey
- >top e. V. Transdisciplinary project space
- Robert Bosch Stiftung
- Marie Curie Alumni Association
- Kunstverein Wagenhalle
- Biotopia
- FoldAI - Project Aja
- bioPUNK kitchen
- Miya - Tiny Forests
- Bard College Berlin
- Zavod Projekt Atol